What We Do

For citizens, the solution is a digital feedback platform that provides the opportunity to share their experiences of using public services. This platform gives the assurance that their voices will be heard and will make a difference. For decision makers, we provide the data and tools to better understand and prioritise how to improve services. By leveraging digital tools we can develop a scalable and cost-effective solution.


Clients provide feedback via the platform on their own mobile phone


Platform provides analysis and insights to healthcare providers and government understand clients needs


Data use Healthcare providers and government officials use data insights in decision making to improve services


Clients receive higher quality services and experience improved healthcare outcomes

Theory of Change

We believe that to create public services that are responsive and effective, citizens and their governments must come together to influence and prioritise decisions that meet the needs of their communities.

How do we bring citizens and governments together?

Through digital engagement platforms that collect large-scale, systematic data generating insights driven by citizen feedback. Our aim is to build on the trust between citizens and their decision makers, encouraging constructive dialogue and responsive decision making for systems’ strengthening.

What evidence is there to support this solution?

Increasing trust in public services leads to increased service utilisation and service availability. Rigorous academic research has found that feedback and accountability mechanisms like this can reduce under-5 mortality by up to 38% (Christensen 2021, Bjorkman 2009). By supporting decision makers, our work builds on recent work (Kosack 2021) which suggests accountability programs involving officials are more effective than those which rely on social accountability alone.

How we work

We are committed to driving highly impactful and scalable solutions that prioritise citizen voices enhancing accountability and trust between our stakeholders through:

Partnership and collaboration

We partner closely with governments and collaborate with them to build on their existing efforts of designing, testing and scaling digital citizens engagement platforms for public services.

Program design & implementation

We support our partners by co-designing programs which are rooted in the local context and in cutting edge research. We work to implement & monitor these programs as part of the existing health system.

Technical expertise & market context

Our team brings together experience from Tanzania across the government, public health and NGO sectors. We use this local context and technical expertise in digital health platforms to design impactful programs.

Testing and evaluation

Our team brings together experience from Tanzania across the government, public health and NGO sectors. We use this local context and technical expertise in digital health platforms to design impactful programs.

Resource mobilisation

Once we’ve proven what works we collaborate with our partners on developing the plans, securing the resources and building to the capacity to achieve impact at scale.

Impact Roadmap

We are committed to driving highly impactful and scalable solutions that prioritise citizen voices enhancing accountability and trust between our stakeholders through:

Tanzania healthcare

Our goal is to support the government to design, evaluate and nationally scale a digital citizens feedback platform across all parts of the healthcare sector. Our goal is to demonstrate that it can be an impactful and cost effective solution. Our goal is to work closely with government and development partners to ensure the platform is sustainably funded and managed going forward.

Other sectors in Tanzania

Using evidence from the healthcare sector our goal is to work with the government of Tanzania to identify other high priority sectors where a digital citizen feedback platform could support improved service delivery. Our goal is to launch and test the deployment of the platform in these sectors.

Outside of Tanzania

Using Tanzania as a case study, our goal is to showcase the impact of digital citizen feedback platforms on public service delivery to other governments across Africa. Our goal is then to support these governments to launch and test the deployment of platforms within their countries.
By 2025, we are targeting to scale to 1,000 healthcare facilities and to listen to the voices of 1 million citizens.